With this child intellectual development information page, I would like to share with you what to expect from your baby/child regarding their intellectual skills at a given age as they develop into toddlers.
We often expect small children to think like little adults when they are not yet capable of doing that.
Maria Montessori
Maria Montessori, the founder of the famous developmentally-based schools, calls the early childhood years, the time of the Absorbent Mind. She said that childrens brains are like sponges, they absorb everything, through their senses and exploring.
One of the greatest development psychologists, Jean Piaget became well-known after the work he has done on cognitive development and intellectual learning. He divided human cognitive development into 4 periods. The one we are going to look at is the first period:
During the first 18 months babies develop problem solving skills. A babys emotional intelligence development is influenced by genetic intelligence by his parents and secondly, by his environment and stimulation he receives from that environment. During this period children are able to visualize something, e.g. when you say the word car, they can see the image of a car.
Here are some child intellectual development skills you can expect for this age group:
Toddlers dedication to learning is so intense that they are veritable super students. Many are so enthusiastic they dont want to pause to eat, sleep, or even use the bathroom. - Linda Sonna
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